Biliavskа Y.
The vital cycle of the organizational culture of the trading enterprises. DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-1
Valikov V., Makedon V. .
Enterprise economic security in concept of process management. DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-2
Yevtushenko O.
Definition of the strategy for financial provision of recovery in fixed assets of machine-building enterprises.
DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-3
Zadoia A., Botsula A.
Current trends of dezintegration processes in the EU. DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-4
Kramarenko G., Kostyuk M.
Formation of strategy for increasing level of use of production potential of machine-building enterprise on the basis of object-oriented approach. DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-5
Kuzminov S., Lymonova E.
Options for integration of Ukraine’s economy to the economy of EU. DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-6
Mahdich A., Kravchenko R.
Social Institutions and Economic Growth. DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-7
Medynska S.
Improvement of the staff motivation system in Ukrainian travel companies in the context of foreign experience and cultural perspective. DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-8
Silantiev O.
Global trends of wealth accumulation as a reflection implemented development potential of modern macroeconomic system. DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-9
Smesova V.
Stages of actor’s economic interest reconstruction in conditions of their dynamic transformation.
DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-10
Shkura I.
Socially responsible investment in the foreign practice application. DOI 10.32342/2616-3853-2017-1-10-11