Azarenkov G., Dzebko I.
Methodical approaches to the evaluation of efficiency of logistics management approach to industrial enterprises.
Bilotserkivets V.
Dilemma of economic development: between altruism and egoism.
Vorobiova K., Gornostaleva A.
Macroeconomic currency risks as a result of microeconomic currency risks.
Garmider L.
Using superposition principle for evaluation of staff potential development quality of enterprise.
Zadoia A.
Macroeconomic proportions in the Visegrad countries and Ukraine comparative analysis.
Kuznetsov K.
State regulation of Ukrainian economy integration of social and economic indicators.
Kuzmenko O.
Investment climate and investment attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine.
Kuzminov S.
Strategy of anticorruption reforms in Ukraine: international experience or innovation?
Lymomova E.
Translevel regulation activity of TNCs.
Magdich A.
The influence of social factors on economic growth: the national aspect.
Orlova V.
Innovative enterprise development strategy.
Pavlova V., Khilko A.
About business development conditions in dnipropetrovs’k region in the context of competitiveness rankings.
Romanenko O.
The analysis of modern methods and tools of enterprises strategic management.
Sviridova O., Lezhepokova V.
Interaction of an enterprise – market attraction producer and its recipients: essence and types.
Taranenko I., Zelenska V.
World steel market influence on Ukraine GDP dynamics.
Tatarinov V., Tatarinov V.
Problems of development of small business in conditions of globalization.