Anpilov S., Sorochaikin A.
Modern tendencies of management of sustainable development of building enterprises.
Bandorina L., Yarmolenko L.
Modeling pricing system for enterprises mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine.
Bezverhiy K.
Registers of accounting as a components of accounting and reporting information enterprises.
Bondarenko N., Kazarinova E.
Food security of the country as a criterion of stability of economy.
Bochulya T.
Accounting component of information potential of the enterprise.
Burkova L.
Assessment of an enterprise’s economic activity results considering the “asset deficit” indicator.
Vakulich M.
Management mechanism by investment climate in the agroindustrial complex of economy of Ukraine.
Varich Y.
Quantitative measurement of economic information: methodological approaches.
Vinichenko O.
Organization of cash payments under the conditions of twenty-four-hour enterprise.
Glukha G., Glukha O.
Human capital in the contest of economic growth.
Gonchar L.
The structuring of the enterprise assortment due to its analysis.
Grechko M.
Economy of “increasing return of knowledge” as a model of development of information society.
Demyanchuk B., Kosarev V.
Compromise theory: utility and risks model, heuristic solutions, consequence prediction.
Dzhigerov Z., Dubovik M.
Multiplier of knowledge and intellectualization of economic growth.
Yevtushenko O.
Theoretical aspects of the managing financial security of the company’s fixed assets.
Zhukov E.
Destroy of fundamental human morals values is the main reason of economic instability.
Zadoia A.
Economic cyclicity: conflictological concept
Zborovska O.
Characteristics foreign economic contracts of industrial enterprises.
Ivashchenko V.
Forsyth of needs of innovative economy.
Keshenkova N.
Problems hindering Retail Lending development in Russia.
Kovalenko A., Nochovna U.
New approaches to costs distribution into variables and invariables in the conditions of multiproduct manufacturing.
Kravchenko V.
Influence of institutional environment on dynamics of corporate enterprise’s cost.
Kuznetsova S., Rudenko T., Andreenko M.
The investment position of the major players in the Ukrainian’s grain market: fundamentals analysis.
Ligonenko L., Kharchuk T.
Economic management: evolution of views and author's concept.
Magdich A.
The role of foreign direct investment in transition economies of central and eastern Europe.
Machuga N.
Information in management software quality of medical services.
Mishchenko A., Yaremenko S.
Systematic evaluation unit quality and formation of strategic alternatives organizations.
Mordovtsev А.
Methodology of territorial indicative planning.
Nezhyva M.
Audit effectiveness of formation financial reserves.
Pavlova V., Myachin V., Zhukova A.
Evaluation of innovative potential of machine-building enterprises by fuzzy sets method .
Pestovs’ka Z.
The mechanism of satisfaction of machinery enterprises current financial needs on the basis of improved liquidity ratios.
Pikalov V.
On the issue of the processes and methods of organizational knowledge management.
Pylypenko А.
Motivation of entrepreneurship in the context of cross-cultural analysis.
Prushkivska E.
The role of formal and informal institutions in the formation of the sectoral structure.
Reznikova N., Vidiakina M.
A role of gold in overcoming of fundamental disbalances of modern financial architecture.
Rogach A., Makedon V.
Effectiveness and efficiency of agreements of mergers and acquisitions for multinational corporations.
Sydorenko P.
The essence of the theory of financial resonance as an alternative approach to analysis of stock markets.
Styrska O.
Revitalization of the state investment lending processes by using development bank.
Strokovich А.
Methodological approach in determination of of enterprise functioning quality.
Taranenko Y., Rizun N., Gudim M.
The application of Leontiev's model in automated economic systems.
Tkach A.
Formation of new institutional paradigm of economic theory.
Trusevich I.
Forming particularities of the whole educational space of the member countries of the custom union.
Khavanova M.
Financial strategy as a tool for corporate development.
Chorna O.
Evaluation of the correlation model of economic growth and unemployment level.
Shavliuk А.
Business partnership as an object of audit.
Shergelashvily Н., Kravchenko M.
On the question of modern political economy its place and role in a system of economic sciences.
Shklyaeva G.
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the regional marketing problems.
Shtanko O.
Modern tendencies of financial services market development in Ukraine.
Shtybel U.
Tax incentives for formation and development of social-oriented banking system..
Yanchev A.
Innovative processing technologies of accounting documents.